Online Study Group: Teilhard’s The Human Phenomenon

With Ernie Tamminga

Begins July 9, 2024 

3:30pm ET


This study group will be led by Ernie Tamminga, PhD, trained Spiritual Director and Cross-Cultural Religious Studies specialist. It will begin on Tuesday, July 9 and continue on alternate Tuesdays “for as long as it takes.” Sessions will last 75 minutes each. Join us as we venture with Teilhard into a journey through cosmic and terrestrial evolution, toward what he called a “Point Omega” of awakening planetary consciousness awaiting us ahead. We will use Sarah Appleton-Weber’s 1999 translation, The Human Phenomenon. Our reading will be supplemented by videos and graphics from the presentation originally created by the Phenomenon of Man Project. There will be ample time for group discussion.


Teilhard’s The Divine Milieu

This Fall, the Institute for Religion and Science at Chestnut Hill College and the American Teilhard Association plan to co-sponsor 2 monthly Reading Circles on Zoom. Both sessions will involve the same content. Monday meetings are at 6:30-8:00pm ET and the Wednesday sessions are at 2:00-3:30pm ET.

This Fall, we will be reading Part III of Teilhard’s The Divine Milieu. We will continue to use a Lectio Divina style, reading and discussing the material together slowly and thoughtfully. 

Here are the dates and tentative topics for the next four months; page assignments to follow:

          September 16 and 18

         October 21 and 23

         November 11 and 13

         December 9 and 11

         January 13 and 15

If you wish to join us and are not yet on the mailing list for the Institute for Religion and Science Reading Circle, please send me an email stating your interest. 



A Reading of Teilhard’s The Divine Milieu
September 6, 2024 – May 2, 2025
In-Person and Zoom
Francis House of Prayer, Allentown, NJ
Register here.

S. Kathy Duffy will lead a reading of Teilhard’s The Divine Milieu. Join lively discussions
about Teilhard’s vision of God’s plan for the ongoing growth and evolution of all creation into full union with God in Christ. Donation: $200


The Spiritual Exercises with Teilhard

September 6, 2024 – May 2, 2025
In-Person and Zoom
Francis House of Prayer, Allentown, NJ
Register here.

Explore a new experience with the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises using The Spiritual
Exercises with Teilhard de Chardin by Augustin Udias, SJ and The New Spiritual
Exercises in the Spirit of Teilhard de Chardin by Louis Savary. Led by S. Kathy Duffy
and S. Marcy. Donation: $200